La Vicomté de Béarn et le problème de sa souveraineté des origines à 1620: Electronic Edition of the Gascon Documents

  • Publication includes three texts, two of which are excerpts from longer documents.

  • The table presents all of the verb forms occurring in this text.
  • Rows that are darkly shaded indicate verb analyses that are uncertain in some way (lemma or grammatical analysis)
  • Rows that are lightly shaded indicate verbs that occur in texts in the form of later copies.
  • For information on the conventions and abbreviations used here see editorial principles.
Lemma Verb Form T/A/M P/N Region Date Page Line
afermar afferma PRET 3SG south 1347 160 39
afermar affermen PRS.IND 3PL south 1399 172 48
ajudar aiudar INF 0 south 1443 174 18
alargar alargar INF 0 south 1443 174 36
anar anar INF 0 south 1443 174 15
anar anar INF 0 south 1443 174 17
anar anar INF 0 south 1443 174 19
anar anar INF 0 south 1443 174 32
aparer apparen PRS.IND 3PL south 1399 172 44
aparer apparie PRS.SBJV 3SG south 1347 160 32
aprovar aproen PRS.IND 3PL south 1399 172 47
atener attendut PST.PTCP M.SG south 1443 174 32
audir audit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 161 2
aver aura FUT 3SG south 1347 161 6
aver aver INF 0 south 1443 174 33
aver a PRS.IND 3SG south 1443 174 33
aver agut PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 161 7
aver agosse PST.SBJV 3SG south 1347 161 3
aver- aven IMPF 3PL south 1347 161 2
aver- an PRS.IND 3PL south 1399 173 1
aver- a PRS.IND 3SG south 1443 174 21
bever beber INF 0 south 1443 174 28
cargar cargar INF 0 south 1443 174 27
comensar comensen PRS.IND 3PL south 1347 160 33
comensar comensen PRS.IND 3PL south 1347 160 34
comprar crompar INF 0 south 1443 174 24
coneisser conegude PST.PTCP F.SG south 1347 160 26
constituir constituit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 160 26
dar dade PST.PTCP F.SG south 1347 160 36
deliurar delivrar INF 0 south 1443 174 16
deputar deputat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 160 45
desirar desiren PRS.IND 3PL south 1399 172 47
devedar debede PRS.IND 3SG south 1443 174 21
devedar debedat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1443 174 21
dever deuve COND 3SG south 1347 161 9
dever deven PRS.IND 3PL south 1399 172 48
dirigir dirigides PST.PTCP F.PL south 1347 160 31
dizer dixo PRET 3SG south 1347 160 30
dizer dixs PRET 3SG south 1347 161 4
dizer ditz PRS.IND 3SG south 1399 172 42
dizer ditz PRS.IND 3SG south 1399 173 3
dizer ditz PRS.IND 3SG south 1399 173 5
dizer dit PST.PTCP 0 south 1443 174 34
dizer diites PST.PTCP F.PL south 1347 160 41
dizer diites PST.PTCP F.PL south 1347 161 3
dizer diites PST.PTCP F.PL south 1347 161 11
dizer diite PST.PTCP F.SG south 1347 160 32
dizer diite PST.PTCP F.SG south 1347 160 33
dizer diite PST.PTCP F.SG south 1347 160 34
dizer diite PST.PTCP F.SG south 1347 160 35
dizer diite PST.PTCP F.SG south 1399 172 48
dizer diitz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1347 161 5
dizer dits PST.PTCP M.PL south 1443 174 26
dizer dits PST.PTCP M.PL south 1443 174 27
dizer dits PST.PTCP M.PL south 1443 174 28
dizer dits PST.PTCP M.PL south 1443 174 35
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 160 31
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 160 31
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 160 37
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 160 37
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 160 41
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 160 45
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 160 48
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 160 48
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 161 1
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 161 8
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 161 9
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 161 10
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 161 11
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 161 12
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 161 13
dizer ddit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1399 172 42
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1399 173 3
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1399 173 5
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1399 173 5
dizer diit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1399 173 7
dizer dit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1443 174 20
emparar emparar INF 0 south 1443 174 36
escriver escriutes PST.PTCP F.PL south 1347 160 30
escriver escriutes PST.PTCP F.PL south 1347 160 31
escriver escriut PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 160 41
escriver escriut PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 161 12
esguardar esgoardan PRS.PTCP M.SG south 1443 174 33
esser sere COND 3SG south 1443 174 26
esser son PRS.IND 3PL south 1347 161 14
esser son PRS.IND 3PL south 1399 172 43
esser es PRS.IND 3SG south 1347 160 51
esser es PRS.IND 3SG south 1347 161 1
esser es PRS.IND 3SG south 1399 172 46
esser es PRS.IND 3SG south 1399 173 2
esser es PRS.IND 3SG south 1399 173 4
esser es PRS.IND 3SG south 1399 173 5
esser es PRS.IND 3SG south 1399 173 6
esser es PRS.IND 3SG south 1399 173 7
esser es PRS.IND 3SG south 1443 174 14
esser ess PRS.IND 3SG south 1443 174 15
esser sie PRS.SBJV 3SG south 1347 160 26
esser sie PRS.SBJV 3SG south 1347 160 49
esser fossen PST.SBJV 3PL south 1347 161 4
esser fossen PST.SBJV 3PL south 1347 161 10
esser fosse PST.SBJV 3SG south 1443 174 15
esser fos PST.SBJV 3SG south 1443 174 16
esser- ere IMPF 3SG south 1443 174 17
esser- esser INF 0 south 1347 160 40
esser- fen PRET 3PL south 1347 160 35
esser- fo PRET 3SG south 1347 160 45
esser- fo PRET 3SG south 1347 161 12
esser- es PRS.IND 3SG south 1347 160 50
esser- es PRS.IND 3SG south 1347 160 51
esser- sie PRS.SBJV 3SG south 1443 174 30
essser esser INF 0 south 1399 172 44
fer fere COND 3SG south 1347 161 5
fer fare COND 3SG south 1347 161 7
fer fare COND 3SG south 1347 161 9
fer far INF 0 south 1347 160 50
fer far INF 0 south 1347 161 7
fer far INF 0 south 1347 161 9
fer far INF 0 south 1347 161 10
fer far INF 0 south 1443 174 16
fer far INF 0 south 1443 174 16
fer far INF 0 south 1443 174 22
fer far INF 0 south 1443 174 32
fer fe PRS.IND 3SG south 1443 174 34
fer faxen PRS.PTCP M.SG south 1443 174 36
fer feyte PST.PTCP F.SG south 1347 160 44
fer feite PST.PTCP F.SG south 1347 160 51
fer feyte PST.PTCP F.SG south 1443 174 30
fer feitz PST.PTCP M.PL south 1347 160 52
fer feit PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 160 40
fer feyt PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 161 12
fer- far INF 0 south 1443 174 18
fer- far INF 0 south 1443 174 27
fer- fassen PRS.SBJV 3PL south 1443 174 29
finir feneys PRS.IND 3SG south 1347 160 35
guadanhar guoadanhar INF 0 south 1443 174 20
laudar lauden PRS.SBJV 3PL south 1399 172 46
leissar- leixe PRS.IND 3SG south 1443 174 32
menjar minyar INF 0 south 1443 174 28
observar observara FUT 3SG south 1443 174 37
pagar pagat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 161 9
parlar parlar INF 0 south 1347 161 2
parlar parlan PRS.PTCP 0 south 1443 174 30
pausar pause PRS.IND 3SG south 1399 172 42
perder perder INF 0 south 1399 172 48
plazer plasent IMPF 3PL south 1443 174 18
plazer plasen PRS.IND 3PL south 1347 161 5
plazer plagos PST.SBJV 3SG south 1347 160 50
plazer plaguos PST.SBJV 3SG south 1443 174 19
plazer plaguos PST.SBJV 3SG south 1443 174 19
poder pode IMPF 3SG south 1443 174 15
poder pode IMPF 3SG south 1443 174 19
poder podin PRS.IND 3PL south 1443 174 35
poder pusquan PRS.SBJV 3PL south 1443 174 22
poder podos PST.SBJV 3SG south 1347 161 10
portar portar INF 0 south 1443 174 27
portar portar INF 0 south 1443 174 29
possedir possedide PST.PTCP F.SG south 1399 173 1
presentar presente PRS.IND 3SG south 1347 160 37
proveder proveder INF 0 south 1443 174 25
receber recebudes PST.PTCP F.PL south 1347 160 41
reconeisser reconeixs PRS.IND 3SG south 1399 172 44
registrar registrade PST.PTCP F.SG south 1347 160 34
replicar replicat PST.PTCP M.SG south 1399 172 45
requerir requeri PRET 3SG south 1347 160 40
requerir requeri PRET 3SG south 1347 161 12
responer responer INF 0 south 1347 161 3
responer respono PRET 3SG south 1347 160 42
responer respon PRS.IND 3SG south 1347 160 44
retenir retengos PST.SBJV 3SG south 1347 161 12
saber ssaber INF 0 south 1347 160 52
sagerar sagerades PST.PTCP F.PL south 1347 160 32
seguir sec PRS.IND 3SG south 1347 160 42
semblar semble PRS.IND 3SG south 1443 174 30
senhorejar senhoreyant PRS.PTCP M.SG south 1347 161 13
socorrer soecorer INF 0 south 1443 174 18
supplicar suppliquem PRS.SBJV 2PL south 1443 174 35
tenir tier INF 0 south 1347 161 9
tenir tee PRS.IND 3SG south 1347 160 49
tenir tengude PST.PTCP F.SG south 1399 173 1
tenir tengut PST.PTCP M.SG south 1347 160 50
tenir tengut PST.PTCP M.SG south 1443 174 17
trameter trameter INF 0 south 1443 174 22
trameter tremetie PRS.SBJV 3SG south 1347 160 38
trameter tremesses PST.PTCP F.PL south 1347 160 48
vener bener INF 0 south 1443 174 24
voler volen PRS.IND 3PL south 1399 172 47
voler bulhe PRS.SBJV 3SG south 1443 174 35
voler bulhe PRS.SBJV 3SG south 1443 174 36