Verb Lemmas

This page allows access to a catalogue of lemmas for all verbs currently in the corpus.

In reducing the variation that is evident in the texts, we have not always chosen the most “Gascon” form. For example, initial arr- for r-, which was probably still a surface phonetic feature in the language, appears irregularly in the documents: verbs are classed here under r-. The lemmas do, however, show the reduction of -mb- to -m- and -nd- to -n-, even though this development is not usual in texts from Bordeaux and the North. There are exceptions, however: descender seems not to occur anywhere without the -d-, and render has been chosen as the lemma that covers a wide range of realizations, including rene, redre, render and reder.

In the analysis of the corpus, verbs that serve as auxiliaries are given with a following hyphen (aver-, esser-), allowing the user to locate compound verb structures. Similarly, the verbs fer and leissar in causative constructions are given as fer- and leissar-.


A    B-C    D-E     F-L    M-P    Q-S    T-Z