Verbal Analysis Abbreviations
- Tense/Aspect/Mood
- PRS.IND = Present Indicative
- PRS.SBJV = Present Subjunctive
- IMPF = Imperfect Indicative
- PST.SBJV = Imperfect Subjunctive
- PRET = Preterite
- FUT = Future
- COND = Conditional
- FUT.PST = the reflex of the Latin pluperfect, whatever its function.
- INF = Infinitive
- PRS.PTCP = Present Participle/Gerund (classed together)
- PST.PTCP = Past Participle
- FUT.PTCP = Future Participle
- IMP = Imperative
- Person and number:
- 1SG, 2SG, 3SG, 1PL, 2PL, 3PL.
- Gender and number:
- M.SG, M.PL, F.SG, F.PL
For more information see Principles of Analysis and Organization.