Inféodation d’une pièce de terre à Beychac: Electronic Edition

Creation of machine readable version: Colin Leach
Conversion to TEI-conformant markup and verb tagging: Colin Leach

Source: Raymond, Paul. Inféodation d’une pièce de terre à Beychac. Archives historiques de la Gironde 15 (1874): 176-177.

  • Publication consists of one text.

  • No particular editorial problems.

    Explanation of editorial principles

  • Verbs are in red, auxiliaries and causatives in orange. Passing the cursor over a verb will open a pop-up annotation that provides that form’s analysis (for an explanation of all abbreviations, see here.)
  • Emendations and modifications have been indicated with an underline.
  • Gaps of various kinds are indicated by [...].
  • Passages that are not in Gascon are indicated in blue.
  • Passages whose readings are uncertain are italicized. Strike-throughs in the ms. are presented as such here, and scribal additions (in the margins, for example) are given as italicized text in brackets.
  • Numbers in the left margin indicate page and line numbers in the original publication.

InfBeychacR.1 (original), 325 words
Bordeaux (north) 1281
Redactor = Ramon deu Prat; Scribe = Bernat Guiraut;
MS. Pau, A.D. Pyrénées-Atlantiques, E 173, 1281

176, 11 Conogudaconeisser; PST.PTCP-F.SG causa siaesser; PRS.SBJV-3SG qu’en W. Arnaut de Baysaac aaver-; PRS.IND-3SG datdar; PST.PTCP-M.SG, balhatbalhar; PST.PTCP-M.SG, et liuratliurar; PST.PTCP-M.SG
176, 12 a feus, feuaument, aus fors et a las costumas de Bordales, a P. Johan de
176, 13 Baysaac, filh a Ramon Johan de Bayssac qui foesser; PRET-3SG, et a sson ordenh, tot
176, 14 aquet trens de terra ab sas apertenences qui esesser; PRS.IND-3SG a Bayssac, au loc aperataperar; PST.PTCP-M.SG
176, 15 au Planter, entre la binha W. de La Font, d’una part, et la binha deudeitdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG
176, 16 P. Johan, qui tentenir; PRS.IND-3SG feuaument deudeitdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG W. Arnut, si cum dissodizer; PRET-3SG d’autra
176, 17 part; ayssi cum duradurar; PRS.IND-3SG et tentenir; PRS.IND-3SG de lonc de la binha deudeitdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG P. Johan, qui esesser; PRS.IND-3SG
176, 18 a l’un cap, en sus, contra la binha Fort de Monto, qui esesser; PRS.IND-3SG a l’autre cap.
176, 19 Pero lodeitdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG en W. Arnaut deudever; PRS.IND-3SG aueraver; INF-0 passatge et camin, ab beus am
176, 20 bros, quant a lui playraplazer; FUT-3SG, entre la binha deudeitdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG Fort de Monto et aquesta
176, 21 medissa terra. Et aaver-; PRS.IND-3SG l’envestitenvestir; PST.PTCP-M.SG ab II. deners d’esporle, a ssenhor mudant,
176, 22 et per x. sols de la moneda corssabla a Bordeu de sens, rendeutsrender; PST.PTCP-M.PL, an
176, 23 per an, lo jorn de las Tot-Sents, portatsportar; PST.PTCP-M.PL a Bayssac, a l’estar deudeitdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG en
176, 24 W. Arnaut et de son ordenh; et esporlaresporlar; INF-0 et farfer; INF-0 dreyt aqui medis, si tort
176, 25 lo corelhavacorelhar; IMPF-3SG en deitdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG feu; et en aquesta maneira l’auantdeitsdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG en W. Arnaut
176, 26 aaver-; PRS.IND-3SG l’en mandatmandar; PST.PTCP-M.SG et promesprometer; PST.PTCP-M.SG et conbingutconvenir; PST.PTCP-M.SG estreesser; INF-0 bons senher et portarportar; INF-0 bona
176, 27 et ferma garentia de tots emparadors, sots obligassion de tots sos bens,
176, 28 mobles et no mobles, on que sianesser; PRS.SBJV-3PL, de la proprietat et de part senhoria ;
176, 29 sas senhorias saubas et sos dreits saups desus mentagutsmentaver; PST.PTCP-M.PL, et sos autres
176, 30 deuers taus cum senher los deudever; PRS.IND-3SG aueraver; INF-0 en sson feu et sobre son afeuat, aus
176, 31 fors et a la costumas de Bordales.

177, 1 Actum fuit medio mense aprilis anno Domini M°. CC°. octuagesimo
177, 2 primo. Regnante
Audoart, rei d’Anglaterra; Burdegalensi sede vacante;
177, 3 Rostanh deu Soleir, maior. Testes sunt: Johan Seguin de Cadaujac;
177, 4 Robbert de Layssus; Ramon deu Prat, lo cartolari, e Bernat Guiraut qui
177, 5 la carta escrivoescriver; PRET-3SG.