189, 16 Conogudaconeisser; PST.PTCP-F.SG causa siaesser; PRS.SBJV-3SG que P. de Saut, drapers, de Bordeu, per sa
189, 17 bolontat reconogoreconeisser; PRET-3SG e comfessetconfessar; PRET-3SG que Bernart de Calhau,
daudetz, en nom e
189, 18 en loc e en perssona deu senhor en Bertran de
Podenssac, cauoir, senhor
189, 19 de Podenssac, si cum dissodizer; PRET-3SG, l’aueaver-; IMPF-3SG
paguatpagar; PST.PTCP-M.SG et rendutrender; PST.PTCP-M.SG en
bons deners
189, 20 contantz xxxv. libres de la moneda corssabla a
Bordeu de las deutas que dissodizer; PRET-3SG
189, 21 qu’eudeitzdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG senher de Podenssac lo deuedever; IMPF-3SG, en renuncientrenunciar; PRS.PTCP-M.SG a
l’exception de
189, 22 no contatcontar; PST.PTCP-M.SG e de no pagatpagar; PST.PTCP-M.SG auer, e d’engan; e de tant cum las
auandeitasdizer; PST.PTCP-F.PL
189, 23 xxxv. libres montanmontar; PRS.IND-3PL l’auandeitdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG P. de Saut aaver-; PRS.IND-3SG
quitatquitar; PST.PTCP-M.SG e absoutabsolber; PST.PTCP-M.SG e clamatclamar; PST.PTCP-M.SG quiti
189, 24 l’auandeitdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG senhor de Podenssac et totas las suas causas per totz
Quittance donnée à B. Calhau au nom de B. de Podensac: Electronic Version
Creation of machine readable version: Scott Gautney
Conversion to TEI-conformant markup and verb tagging: Scott Gautney
Source: Raymond, Paul. Quittance donnée à B. Calhau au nom de Bertrand de Podensac. Archives historiques du département de la Gironde 15 (1874): 189.
Publication consists of one text.
No particular editorial problems
Explanation of editorial principles
- Verbs are in red, auxiliaries and causatives in orange. Passing the cursor over a verb will open a pop-up annotation that provides that form’s analysis (for an explanation of all abbreviations, see here.)
- Emendations and modifications have been indicated with an underline.
- Gaps of various kinds are indicated by [...].
- Passages that are not in Gascon are indicated in blue.
- Passages whose readings are uncertain are italicized. Strike-throughs in the ms. are presented as such here, and scribal additions (in the margins, for example) are given as italicized text in brackets.
- Numbers in the left margin indicate page and line numbers in the original publication.
QuittCalhauPodR.1 (original), 174 words
Bordeaux (north) 1294
Redactor = Arnaut deu Bedat; Scribe = Johan de Seytran
MS. Pau,
E 175,
189, 25
Actum fuit ii.a die exitus marcii, anno
Domini M°. CC°. LXXXX0. quarto.
189, 26 Phelip, rey de Franssa, regnantregnar; PRS.PTCP-M.SG; Hanrric, arcibesque de Bordeu; en
189, 27 Girmont de Burlas, cauoir, maior.
: Johan de Latrena,
189, 28 cartolari de Bordeu;
Guiraut Balena, de Figeac; Esteue, lo scriuer da rua
189, 29 Sent-Jacme,
e Arnaut deu Bedat, qui la carta enquerienquerir; PRET-3SG; laquau Johan
189, 30 de Seytran escriuoescriver; PRET-3SG.