La Commanderie de l’hôpital Sainte-Christine en Armagnac: Electronic Edition of the Gascon Documents

Creation of machine readable version: Thomas Field
Conversion to TEI-conformant markup and verb tagging: Thomas Field

Source: Samaran, Charles. La Commanderie de l’hôpital Sainte-Christine en Armagnac. Auch: Société Archéologique, Historique, Littéraire et Scientifique du Gers, 1973.

  • The edition includes five documents in Gascon, the first three of which are abridged.

  • No particular problems.

    Explanation of editorial principles

  • Emendations and modifications have been indicated with an underline; a pop-up annotation provides the original reading and the name of the editor responsible for the change.
  • Gaps of various kinds are indicated by [...], and a pop-up annotation furnishes an explanation, where one is available.
  • Passages that are not in Gascon are indicated in blue.
  • Passages whose readings are uncertain are italicized. Strike-throughs in the ms. are presented as such here, and scribal additions (in the margins, for example) are given as italicized text in brackets.
  • Numbers in the left margin indicate page and line numbers in the original publication.
  • To highlight the verbs that occur in the text and to make their analysis visible, click the “ANALYSIS” button.

DocSChristS.I (copy), 386 words
Sainte Christie (center) mid 14th c.
Redactor = Augerius de Craubensera , miles;
MS. Toulouse, A.D. Haute-Garonne, H. Malte, Sainte-Christie, liasse 24, no. 30, 15th c.?

80, 31 Hec sunt oblie seu servicii domus seu Hospitalis de Sancta
80, 32 Christina qui solvuntur, ut inferius continetur, annuatim, quas
80, 33 frater Augerius de Craubensera miles fecit ponere in memoria, ut

81, 36 P. de La Tor per la terra daus Piis, VI. s. morl.

81, 37 Fors de La Cros per la terra daus Piis, VI. s. morl.


DocSChristS.II (close), 302 words
Sainte Christie (center) 1415

MS. Toulouse, A.D. Haute-Garonne, H. Malte, Sainte-Christie, liasse 24, no. 34, c. 1434

82, 2 Segense los fius pagatz a mi f. Gm. de l’Espitau de Sancta
82, 3 Chrestina de l’an M. et CCCC e XV.

82, 4 Paga Sobiran de Lau de [...]unknown dit [...]unknown XV g.

82, 36 Santa Chrestina en la carrera deu Mora per la
82, 37 maneyra que s’en sec.


DocSChristS.III (close), 556 words
Castillon-Debats (center) 1461
Redactor = Johannes de Chasteneto, notarius auctoritate regia creatus;
MS. Toulouse, A.D. Haute-Garonne, H. Malte, Sainte-Christie, liasse 22, no. 133, 1465

84, 15 Anno ab incarnatione Domini .mª.ccccª.lxª.iª., ego Johannes de
84, 16 Chasteneto, notarius auctoritate regia creatus habitatorque loci de Anhano
84, 17 in Armaniaco Auxitane diocesis, ad requestam nobilis et religiosi viri fratris

85, 29 Bartha deudit loc de L’Hospitau et ab la terra de la dite heretatge de
85, 30 La Farga, d’autre part: III ss. morl. [...]following section summarized in French


DocSChristS.VI (original), 785 words
Gabarret (center) 1275
Redactor = A.W. d’Arrolhan, comunal notari de Gavarred;
MS. Toulouse, A.D. Haute-Garonne, H. Malte, Sainte-Christie, liasse 3, no. 19, 1275

85, 31 Coneguda causa sia qu’en R.B. d’Arricau, no destreit ni forçad ni decebud
142, 32 ni enganad ni a aiço amenad per nulha força ni per nulh barat ni per nul
142, 33 malgenh segont que ed mezis reconogo et autreia per sa propria, franca et

143, 36 LXXo. IIIIo, dominante Costancia primogenita Gastonis vicecomitis Bearnensis,
143, 37 Amanevo archiepiscopo Auxitano.


DocSChristS.VIII (original), 1552 words
Montréal-du-Gers (center) 1324
Redactor = Vital de Arbussano, communis et publicus notarius ville Montis Regalis;
MS. Toulouse, A.D. Haute-Garonne, H. Malte, Sainte-Christie, liasse 23, no. 17, 1324

145, 14 Notum sit que mosenher en fray Vidal de Sent-Salvi fray de la orde de
145, 15 Sent Johan de Jerusalem, regent la mayson de Senta Crestia de la orde de
145, 16 Sent Johan de Jerusalem per lo noble baron mosenher en Beguer de Sealhas,

147, 29 formam redegi et signo meo consueto et solito signavi in testimonium
147, 30 premissorum.