Gascon Texts from the Didot Manuscript of Daurel et Beton: Electronic Edition

Creation of machine readable version: Thomas Field
Conversion to TEI-conformant markup and verb tagging: Thomas Field

Source: Meyer, Paul. Daurel et Beton, chanson de geste provençale. Paris: Didot, 1880.

  • This electronic publication includes two short texts from the Didot manuscript that contains Daurel et Beton. Chabaneau considers only the second of these to have been composed originally in Gascon. In fact, both seem to be adapted versions of Occitan poems, but the language is so thoroughly Gascon that these texts seemed to merit inclusion here.

  • In the first of these texts the scribe paid very little attention to metrical considerations in producing his Gascon version. Since the interest of these texts in this context is linguistic, not literary, those corrections suggested by Meyer in the interest of metrical concerns have not been adopted. Only the emendations that are clearly necessary for grammatical purposes or for reasons of comprehension have been incorporated. Readers who are interested in these texts as literary objects should consult the original publication. A number of corrections from Chabaneau’s review of the book in Revue des Langues Romanes 20 (1881), 246–260 have been incorporated here; they are indicated in the text.

    Meyer suggests an origin in our eastern zone, based on both external and internal criteria. Chabaneau, who is more aware of variation in Gascon, suggests the western area.

    For these texts, line numbers are those given by Meyer in his edition, not those of the position on the printed page. In the database, page numbers have been converted to Arabic numerals.

    Explanation of editorial principles

  • Verbs are in red, auxiliaries and causatives in orange. Passing the cursor over a verb will open a pop-up annotation that provides that form’s analysis (for an explanation of all abbreviations, see here.)
  • Emendations and modifications have been indicated with an underline.
  • Gaps of various kinds are indicated by [...].
  • Passages that are not in Gascon are indicated in blue.
  • Passages whose readings are uncertain are italicized. Strike-throughs in the ms. are presented as such here, and scribal additions (in the margins, for example) are given as italicized text in brackets.
  • Numbers in the left margin indicate page and line numbers in the original publication.

DaurelSuppM.III (copy), 293 words
Origin? (west) 14th c.

MS. Paris, B.N., nouv. acq. franç. 4232, mid 14th c.

xcii, 0 In principio erat Verbum et Verbum.

xcii, 1 Voledsvoler; PRS.IND-2PL audiraudir; INF-0 los .vij. gays principaus
xcii, 2 Que n’agoaver; PRET-3SG el filh de Diu la mayre sperital?
xcii, 3 Non esesser; PRS.IND-3SG home tant pecador mortal
xcii, 4 Que sels potpoder; PRS.IND-3SG dirdizer; INF-0 cascun jorn per son las
xcii, 5 Que a la fin ben poyrapoder; FUT-3SG estreesser; INF-0 saub.

xcii, 6 Lo prumier gay, done, que vos agosaver; PRET-2PL,
xcii, 7 So foesser; PRET-3SG de l’angel que Jhesus vos trametotrameter; PRET-3SG.
xcii, 8 Ben vos ac disdizer; PRET-3SG e ben vos ac promesprometer; PRET-3SG
xciii, 9 Qu’en vos vindravenir; FUT-3SG lo ber Dius Jhesu Crist,
xciii, 10 Lo pay el filh el Sant Sperit.

xciii, 11 Lo segunt gaug done que vos agosaver; PRET-2PL so foesser; PRET-3SG de la nativitat,
xciii, 12 Can consebosconceber; PRET-2PL Dius am gran virginitat.
xciii, 13 Virgina fosesser; PRET-2PL can de lui vos cargatcargar; PRET-2PL,
xciii, 14 Virgina fosesser; PRET-2PL can nau mes l’agosaver-; PST.SBJV-2PL portatportar; PST.PTCP-M.SG.
xciii, 15 Virgina fosesser; PRET-2PL can Jhesu Crist foesser-; PRET-3SG nadneisser; PST.PTCP-M.SG,
xciii, 16 Car aysi foesser-; PRET-3SG nadneisser; PST.PTCP-M.SG que hanc non pergosperder; PST.SBJV-3SG  vostre virginitad,
xciii, 17 Ans ne fosesser; PRET-2PL salve e digne done sens pecat;
xciii, 18 Que hanc de nulha done no potpoder; PRS.IND-3SG estreesser-; INF-0 pensatpensar; PST.PTCP-M.SG
xciii, 19 Que de son par agosaver; PST.SBJV-3SG enfant sens pecat.
xciii, 20 Agosaver; PRET-2PL ac vos, Dius ne siaesser-; PRS.SBJV-3SG laudatlaudar; PST.PTCP-M.SG!
xciii, 21 Ja ieson eixir; PRS.IND-3PL los angels dels sels, dun Dius dadar; PRS.IND-3PL gran clartat.
xciii, 22 E dizondizer; PRS.IND-3PL quascuns, de cada part: « Esesser-; PRS.IND-3SG natneisser; PST.PTCP-M.SG
xciii, 23 Lo rey on tot lo mon seraesser-; FUT-3SG saubatsalvar; PST.PTCP-M.SG. »

xciii, 24 Lo. iij. gay done que vos agosaver; PRET-2PL so foesser; PRET-3SG de la stelle luzent.
xciii, 25 Qui guidaguidar; PRET-3SG los tres reys qui anavenanar; IMPF-3PL en Aurient.
xciii, 26 Cascuns dels reys ofrinofferir; PRET-3PL tals presens :
xciii, 27 Aur, ensen, e mira ensement;
xciii, 28 Jhesus los prinprener; PRET-3SG; ? per tal reconexement
xciii, 29 Car el esesser-; PRS.IND-3SG lo beray Dius omnipotent.

xciii, 30 Lo .iiij. gaug esesser; PRS.IND-3SG de la resurecxio,
xciii, 31 Quan Jhesu Crist s’estaveestar; IMPF-3SG al peyro;
xciii, 32 Aqui s’estaveestar; IMPF-3SG ab tot sos compahos.
xciii, 33 Ben sabemsaber; PRS.IND-1PL los angels els apostos cans sonesser; PRS.IND-3PL :
xciii, 34 Carante jorns los mes de lor mecion,
xciii, 35 Car Jhesu Crist los formiformir; PRET-3SG lor mecion.

xciii, 36 Lo .v. gay ben lo sabemsaber; PRS.IND-1PL comdarcontar; INF-0 :
xciii, 37 La sus ensen lo biremveder; PRET-3PL puyarpujar; INF-0;
xciii, 38 Tut l’adorenadorar; PRET-3PL de grat e d’amor.
xciii, 39 Car Jhesu Crist anaver-; PRS.IND-3PL crubatcrubar; PST.PTCP-M.SG per senhor
xciii, 40 Tut l’adorenadorar; PRET-3PL d’amor e de grat
xciii, 41 Car Jhesu Crist anaver; PRS.IND-3PL per senho crubatcrubar; PST.PTCP-M.SG.

xciv, 42 Lo .vj. gay esesser; PRS.IND-3SG gran e no petit,
xciv, 43 Can a regina benisvenir; PRET-2PL en paradis,
xciv, 44 Anmes e cos tot ac prenetprener; IMP-2PL en grat,
xciv, 45 Tot ac metetmeter; IMP-2PL eus gays de paradis.

xciv, 46 Lo. vij. gay esesser; PRS.IND-3SG de gran dolsor,
xciv, 47 Car bos, ma done, salve e digne done, plene de doso
xciv, 48 Sober totas donas devetdever; PRS.IND-2PL averaver; INF-0 balor.

xciv, 49 A! vergine S. Marie pels .vij. gays que vos agosaver; PRET-2PL pregatpregar; IMP-2PL al Pay
xciv, 50 e al Filh e al sanct Esperit quens ameamiar; PRS.SBJV-3SG; ? a totz e a totes au gay de
xciv, 51 paradis. Amen.


DaurelSuppM.VII (copy), 410 words
Origin? (west) 14th c.

MS. Paris, B.N., nouv. acq. franç. 4232, mid 14th c.

cxi, 0 Lo romans de las hores de la crot.

cxi, 0 Ad matutinas.

cxi, 1 Jhesu Crist veray senhor,
cxi, 2 Que per mi paubre pecador
cxi, 3 A las mayties liuratliurar; PST.PTCP-M.SG fustesser-; PRET-2SG,
cxi, 4 Presprener; PST.PTCP-M.SG e liatliar; PST.PTCP-M.SG, quar te volgustvoler; PRET-2SG,
cxi, 5 Ab las paumes forment feritferir; PST.PTCP-M.SG,
cxi, 6 Massatmassar; PST.PTCP-M.SG, e escarnitescarnir; PST.PTCP-M.SG, escopitescopir; PST.PTCP-M.SG,
cxi, 7 Precpregar; PRS.IND-1SG te, senher, per piatat,
cxi, 8 Quem vulhasvoler; PRS.SBJV-2SG donardonar; INF-0 fermetat
cxi, 9 En mos trebalhs e paciense,
cxi, 10 E als meus tortz bona suffrensa;
cxi, 11 E mas turbacios sobrarsobrar; INF-0
cxii, 12 Me feyfer-; IMP-2SG, senher, e tu lauzarlaudar; INF-0,
cxii, 13 E de la tue pacion
cxii, 14 Remembrarremembrar; INF-0 ab debocion
cxii, 15 Tot jorn continuadement,
cxii, 16 Cum puscapoder; PRS.SBJV-1SG venirvenir; INF-0 dignament
cxii, 17 A la tua car’ apagadeapagar; PST.PTCP-F.SG 
cxii, 18 On auraaver; FUT-3SG vita fort ondrade.

cxii, 0 Ad primam.

cxii, 19 Jhesu Crist de gran senhoria
cxii, 20 Qui a la ora prima del dia
cxii, 21 Volgustvoler; PRET-2SG que fosesesser-; PST.SBJV-2SG presentatpresentar; PST.PTCP-M.SG
cxii, 22 Denant Pilat judge malvad,
cxii, 23 Tu que esesser; PRS.IND-2SG veray judgador
cxii, 24 De totz los judges e senhor,
cxii, 25 Preguipregar; PRS.IND-1SGt, supplicansupplicar; PRS.PTCP-M.SG humilment,
cxii, 26 Que no gardesguardar; PRS.SBJV-2SG mos falhiment,
cxii, 27 Ans me vulhasvoler; PRS.SBJV-2SG aysi judarjudjar; INF-0; ?
cxii, 28 Que a la fin nom vulhasvoler; PRS.SBJV-2SG dampnardamnar; INF-0.
cxii, 29 Menemenar; IMP-2SGm en loc celestiau,
cxii, 30 Gardeguardar; IMP-2SGm de turmen enfernau.
cxii, 31 On a compliment de totz bees
cxii, 32 E negun no sabsaber; PRS.IND-3SG mal que esesser; PRS.IND-3SG;
cxii, 33 Aqui, pregpregar; PRS.IND-1SG, me fayfer-; IMP-2SG alogaralogar; INF-0
cxii, 34 E ab tos los sans heritarheretar; INF-0. Amen.

cxii, 0 Ad terciam diras :

cxii, 35 Jhesu qui fustesser-; PRET-2SG per mos pecats
cxii, 36 A la ora de la tercia menatmenar; PST.PTCP-M.SG
cxii, 37 A las penas e als turmentz
cxii, 38 De la crotz descausidamentz,
cxii, 39 Tu qui esesser; PRS.IND-2SG veray hom e Diu.
cxii, 40 Preguipregar; PRS.IND-1SGt, senher, ab cor humiu,
cxii, 41 Que, per la tua caritat
cxii, 42 E per la gran humilitat
cxii, 43 Per que a ta aunida mort
cxii, 44 Te liurestliurar; PRET-2SG  per mi ses tort,
cxii, 45 E per la crotz on fustesser-; PRET-2SG pendutpener; PST.PTCP-M.SG
cxii, 46 Per que io fosseesser-; PST.SBJV-1SG redemutredemer; PST.PTCP-M.SG.
cxii, 47 Quem denhesdenhar; PRS.SBJV-2SG, senher, perdonarperdonar; INF-0
cxiii, 48 Mos pecatz e gracie donardonar; INF-0
cxiii, 49 Cum biencavenir; PRS.SBJV-3SG ses tot falhiment
cxiii, 50 A la tua gloria. Amen.

cxiii, 0 Ad medietas dierum.

cxiii, 51 Jhesu Crist, vita, vertat e via,
cxiii, 52 Qui a la ora del meydia
cxiii, 53 Per mi pecador fustesser-; PRET-2SG pujatpujar; PST.PTCP-M.SG
cxiii, 54 Sus en la crotz e clauficatclauficar; PST.PTCP-M.SG,
cxiii, 55 E fustesser-; PRET-2SG abeuratabeurar; PST.PTCP-M.SG ab dolor
cxiii, 56 De vinagre plen d’amaror
cxiii, 57 Ab fel trop dolorozamant,
cxiii, 58 Pendutpener; PST.PTCP-M.SG tot nut denant las gentz,
cxiii, 59 A tu, senher, precpregar; PRS.IND-1SG quem dosdar; PRS.SBJV-2SG gracie
cxiii, 60 Cum puschapoder; PRS.SBJV-1SG farfer; INF-0 so que a tu placieplazer; PRS.SBJV-3SG,
cxiii, 61 Em fassasfer; PRS.SBJV-2SG mos pecatz layssarleissar; INF-0
cxiii, 62 E mi metis farfer-; INF-0 mensprezarmensprezar; INF-0,
cxiii, 63 Car ayaver-; PRS.IND-1SG faytzfer; PST.PTCP-M.PL mil trespassamentz
cxiii, 64 Contra los tos comandamens.
cxiii, 65 Senher, fayfer-; IMP-2SG me perdon trobartrobar; INF-0
cxiii, 66 E a ta gloria arribararribar; INF-0. Amen.

cxiii, 0 Ad ora novena.

cxiii, 67 Jhesus qui en la ora novena
cxiii, 68 Suffritsufrir; PRET-2SG; ? per mi cruzeu pena,
cxiii, 69 Sus la crotz, las mas estendudasestener; PST.PTCP-F.PL,
cxiii, 70 Las crans plagadasplagar; PST.PTCP-F.PL e batudasbater; PST.PTCP-F.PL,
cxiii, 71 E lo cap baysatbaissar; PST.PTCP-M.SG, ab gran crit,
cxiii, 72 Liurestliurar; PRET-2SG  al Payre l’esperit,
cxiii, 73 Ploranplorar; PRS.PTCP-M.SG lacrimas trop amaras
cxiii, 74 De gran reverencia e caras,
cxiii, 75 Per quens fosesser-; PST.SBJV-3SG ubertaobrir; PST.PTCP-F.SG la porta
cxiii, 76 De Paradis e la mort morta,
cxiii, 77 A tu precpregar; PRS.IND-1SG, senhe, que membrarmembrar; INF-0
cxiii, 78 Me facesfer; PRS.SBJV-2SG, planherplanher; INF-0 e plorarplorar; INF-0,
cxiii, 79 La tua pacion soven
cxiii, 80 Ab que fistfer; PRET-2SG lo meng salvament,
cxiii, 81 E metmeter; IMP-2SG en mong cor ta laudor,
cxiii, 82 Quem fassafer-; PRS.SBJV-3SG membrarmembrar; INF-0 que esesser; PRS.IND-2SG amor.

cxiv, 0 Ad vesperas

cxiv, 83 Jhesus senher, rey poderos,
cxiv, 84 Per mi feytfer; PST.PTCP-M.SG paubre nesseros,
cxiv, 85 Que fustesser-; PRET-2SG d’espinas coronatcoronar; PST.PTCP-M.SG,
cxiv, 86 De lance feritferir; PST.PTCP-M.SG pel costat,
cxiv, 87 E de la crotz on fustesser-; PRET-2SG pujatpujar; PST.PTCP-M.SG
cxiv, 88 A las vespras fustesser-; PRET-2SG debalatdevarar; PST.PTCP-M.SG,
cxiv, 89 Et en las mas de la vergina
cxiv, 90 Ta mayre, de gran dolor plena,
cxiv, 91 Fustesser-; PRET-2SG recebutreceber; PST.PTCP-M.SG et alogatalogar; PST.PTCP-M.SG,
cxiv, 92 Et en sos sans brases apauzatapausar; PST.PTCP-M.SG,
cxiv, 93 Senher, precpregar; PRS.IND-1SG te per cortozie
cxiv, 94 La tua mort a mong pro siaesser; PRS.SBJV-3SG,
cxiv, 95 E la tua afflicion
cxiv, 96 Me gasanheguadanhar; PRS.SBJV-3SG plener perdon,
cxiv, 97 Em fassafer-; PRS.SBJV-3SG farfer; INF-0 ta volontat
cxiv, 98 Cum ab tu siaesser; PRS.SBJV-3SG. Amen.

cxiv, 0 Ad hora completori.

cxiv, 99 Jhesu Crist qui fustesser; PRET-2SG mejancer,
cxiv, 100 De Dieu et d’om pazer,
cxiv, 101 Que a Deu nostre deute paguestpagar; PRET-2SG
cxiv, 102 E dels enferns nos deliurestdeliurar; PRET-2SG  
cxiv, 103 Ab lo ton sant sanc precios
cxiv, 104 Que sus la crotz bessetversar; PRET-3SG per nos
cxiv, 105 On lo tong cors fuesser-; PRET-3SG turmentatturmentar; PST.PTCP-M.SG,
cxiv, 106 Apres el sepulcre pauzatpausar; PST.PTCP-M.SG,
cxiv, 107 E a la ora de la completa ;
cxiv, 108 E la vergis pura e neta,
cxiv, 109 Plena d’enguysa e marida
cxiv, 110 Eraesser; IMPF-3SG de dol e defalhidadefalhir; PST.PTCP-F.SG,
cxiv, 111 Ab las sanctas molhers ploranplorar; PRS.PTCP-0,
cxiv, 112 Planhenplanher; PRS.PTCP-0 e greumens tormentantormentar; PRS.PTCP-0,
cxiv, 113 Per aquestes dolors te precpregar; PRS.IND-1SG, seher,
cxiv, 114 La mia arma vulhasvoler; PRS.SBJV-2SG prenerprener; INF-0
cxv, 115 Cant sereesser; FUT-1SG mort ab tu metis,
cxv, 116 Que estesser; PRS.IND-2SG gloria de paradis. Amen.

cxv, 117 Senher Dieus, en la tua mang
cxv, 118 Or esesser; PRS.IND-3SG lo poder sobirang
cxv, 119 Comancomanar; PRS.IND-1SG lo meng sperit
cxv, 120 Que siaesser; PRS.SBJV-3SG placent et grasit;
cxv, 121 Tu, senher, m’asaver-; PRS.IND-2SG feytfer; PST.PTCP-M.SG e creatcrear; PST.PTCP-M.SG
cxv, 122 Et en la tua mayson pausatpausar; PST.PTCP-M.SG,
cxv, 123 Tot so quet vos potzpoder; PRS.IND-2PL de mi farfer; INF-0,
cxv, 124 Per quet precpregar; PRS.IND-1SG nom vulhasvoler; PRS.SBJV-2SG dampnardamnar; INF-0,
cxv, 125 Sitot m’ayaver; PRS.IND-1SG gran re de pecatz
cxv, 126 Parlatparlar; PST.PTCP-M.SG e feytfer; PST.PTCP-M.SG e cossiratzcossirar; PST.PTCP-M.PL.
cxv, 127 Tu qui m’asaver-; PRS.IND-2SG renovelatrenovelar; PST.PTCP-M.SG
cxv, 128 Per lo batisme que m’asaver-; PRS.IND-2SG datdar; PST.PTCP-M.SG,
cxv, 129 Etsesser; PRS.IND-2SG; ? payre de misericordia,
cxv, 130 Nom layssesleissar-; PRS.SBJV-2SG murirmorir; INF-0 en discordia.
cxv, 131 Donedonar; IMP-2SGm so que tum prometustprometer; PRET-2SG
cxv, 132 Per lo profeyta cui dissustdizer; PRET-2SG
cxv, 133 Que qui ton nom aperaraaperar; FUT-3SG
cxv, 134 Certanament salvatsalvar; PST.PTCP-M.SG seraesser-; FUT-3SG.
cxv, 135 Io, senher, mesquin pecador,
cxv, 136 Aperiaperar; PRS.IND-1SG tu cum bon senhor
cxv, 137 Quem deliuresdeliurar; PRS.SBJV-2SG de mos pecatz.
cxv, 138 Ma vita cumendancomendar; PRS.PTCP-M.SG en patz;
cxv, 139 Puis qui lo die m’asaver-; PRS.IND-2SG gardatguardar; PST.PTCP-M.SG.
cxv, 140 Gardaguardar; IMP-2SGm la neyt per ta bontat.
cxv, 141 La tua graciam fayfer-; IMP-2SG trobartrobar; INF-0,
cxv, 142 Benadizerbenedizer; INF-0 e tu lauzarlaudar; INF-0.
cxv, 143 Fayfer; IMP-2SG cum te serveservir; PRS.SBJV-1SG dignament
cxv, 144 Ara e tostemps ses falhiment,
cxv, 145 Perque el teu regne entrarentrar; INF-0
cxv, 146 Pusquepoder; PRS.SBJV-1SG tostemps mays estarestar; INF-0
cxv, 147 Ab la companhia eleyta
cxv, 148 Que asaver-; PRS.IND-2SG triattriar; PST.PTCP-M.SG a la part dreyte.

cxv, 149 Senher, benigne e bon,
cxv, 150 De mos pecatz m dadar; IMP-2SG perdon.
cxv, 151 Quar io, senher, songesser; PRS.IND-1SG ton sirvent
cxv, 152 Per farfer; INF-0 e complircomplir; INF-0 ton talent.
cxv, 153 Dius d’Izac, Dius d’Abram,
cxvi, 154 Dius de Jacob, per merce clamclamar; PRS.IND-1SG
cxvi, 155 Aquest me sianesser; PRS.SBJV-3PL pregadors
cxvi, 156 Enta tu e procuradors,
cxvi, 157 Cum pusquepoder; PRS.SBJV-1SG viverviver; INF-0 en aquest mon,
cxvi, 158 E puys anaranar; INF-0 on aquetz sonesser; PRS.IND-3PL.
cxvi, 159 Los sans angels preguipregar; PRS.IND-1SG de Diu
cxvi, 160 Els archangels ab cor human,
cxvi, 161 Que en lo nom del Salvador
cxvi, 162 Me gardenguardar; PRS.SBJV-3PL de tota eror,
cxvi, 163 E totz aquels quem sontesser; PRS.IND-3PL amix
cxvi, 164 Gardemguardar; PRS.SBJV-3PL dins dels enemix.
cxvi, 165 A tu, diable enfernal,
cxvi, 166 Conjurconjurar; PRS.IND-1SG per lo pay eternal,
cxvi, 167 Per Filh e pel sant Esperit,
cxvi, 168 Per que io siaesser-; PRS.SBJV-3SG benazitbenedizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG,
cxvi, 169 E per santa Maria mayre
cxvi, 170 De Jhesu Cristz nostre salvayre,
cxvi, 171 Per los quatre euvangelistas
cxvi, 172 Qui las obras de Diu anaver-; PRS.IND-3PL vistasveder; PST.PTCP-F.PL,
cxvi, 173 E per las .ix. ordes reyals
cxvi, 174 On los angels sonesser-; PRS.IND-3PL ordenatzordenar; PST.PTCP-M.PL,
cxvi, 175 E per los apostos glorios
cxvi, 176 Qui sonesser; PRS.IND-3PL .xij. e puis mays .ij.,
cxvi, 177 Per los quatre profetas majors
cxvi, 178 E per los autz .xij. menors.
cxvi, 179 Peus .cxliiij. milia
cxvi, 180 Ignoscens que cantencantar; PRS.IND-3PL tot dia
cxvi, 181 Un novel cant de gran dossor,
cxvi, 182 Dizendizer; PRS.PTCP-0 santus a ta lauzor,
cxvi, 183 Per los martes, per los doctors,
cxvi, 184 Per las vergis, pels confessors
cxvi, 185 Qui Dieu anaver-; PRS.IND-3PL servitservir; PST.PTCP-M.SG dignament,
cxvi, 186 Gardanguardar; PRS.PTCP-0 lo son comandament,
cxvi, 187 Que no agesaver; PRS.SBJV-2SG en mi poder;
cxvi, 188 Ne m torbestorbar; PRS.SBJV-2SG de mon saber
cxvi, 189 Nem fassesfer; PRS.SBJV-2SG degun spavent.
cxvi, 190 Car sonesser; PRS.IND-1SG de Dieu humil sirvent,
cxvi, 191 Vetveder; IMP-2SG la crotz de nostre Senhor,
cxvi, 192 Fugfuger; IMP-2SG, diable decebedor,
cxvi, 193 Del trip de Juda lo leon
cxvi, 194 C’aaver-; PRS.IND-3SG vencutvencer; PST.PTCP-M.SG per sa passion,
cxvi, 195 ✙ santa, benezitabenedizer; PST.PTCP-F.SG siasesser-; PRS.SBJV-2SG
cxvii, 196 Car en tu foesser-; PRET-3SG pujatzpujar; PST.PTCP-M.SG Messias,
cxvii, 197 Per cui nos emesser-; PRS.IND-1PL deredemutzderedemer; PST.PTCP-M.PL
cxvii, 198 E lo diable confondutzconfonder; PST.PTCP-M.SG.
cxvii, 199 Senher Dius, piatadors payre,
cxvii, 200 E de tot cant esesser; PRS.IND-2SG emperayre,
cxvii, 201 Nom layssesleissar-; PRS.SBJV-2SG farfer; INF-0 neguna forsa
cxvii, 202 Que a la fin fossaesser-; PST.SBJV-1SG retraytretrazer; PST.PTCP-M.SG
cxvii, 203 De vezerveder; INF-0 ta car’ apagadaapagar; PST.PTCP-F.SG 
cxvii, 204 Que esesser; PRS.IND-3SG de totz bes abondadaabondar; PST.PTCP-F.SG;
cxvii, 205 Aquim miemenar; IMP-2SG per ta bontat,
cxvii, 206 Tu, senher, que tant m’asaver-; PRS.IND-2SG crompatcomprar; PST.PTCP-M.SG,

cxvii, 207 Senher Dieus trastot poderos
cxvii, 208 E de bontat fort abondos,
cxvii, 209 Que na Susanna deliurestdeliurar; PRET-2SG
cxvii, 210 E dels fals encart la gardestguardar; PRET-2SG,
cxvii, 211 E del ventre del peyson on ereesser; IMPF-3SG
cxvii, 212 Jonas tragust treger; PRET-2SG a ferme tere,
cxvii, 213 E Daniel, savi baron,
cxvii, 214 Gardestguardar; PRET-2SG del poder del leon,
cxvii, 215 E de gran foc on eranesser-; IMPF-3PL mesmeter; PST.PTCP-M.PL
cxvii, 216 Deliurestdeliurar; PRET-2SG los enfans totz .iij.,
cxvii, 217 E se e can cujetcujar; PRET-3SG negarnegar; INF-0
cxvii, 218 Can so lo pregonpregar; PRET-3PL en la gran mar,
cxvii, 219 Tu, senher, me vulhasvoler; PRS.SBJV-2SG gardarguardar; INF-0
cxvii, 220 De totz perilhs e deliurardeliurar; INF-0
cxvii, 221 De fals crime, de fals encart,
cxvii, 222 De totz tribalhs de mala part,
cxvii, 223 Car no saysaber; PRS.IND-1SG enta cui me dondonar; PRS.SBJV-1SG,
cxvii, 224 Saub enta tu qui esesser; PRS.IND-2SG senher bon,
cxvii, 225 Ni alhor non ayaver; PRS.IND-1SG on anaranar; INF-0
cxvii, 226 On mi poguessapoder; PST.SBJV-1SG enpararemparar; INF-0.
cxvii, 227 Era siasesser; IMP-2SG Dieu ajudador,
cxvii, 228 Em fassasfer; PRS.SBJV-2SG tenirtenir; INF-0 en sa amor,
cxvii, 229 Per que de tot abondament
cxvii, 230 M’arma aiaaver; PRS.SBJV-3SG assaziament,
cxvii, 231 Qui en perfecta trinitat
cxvii, 232 Esesser; PRS.IND-2SG un Diu veray adoratadorar; PST.PTCP-M.SG.

cxviii, 233 Senher Dius, la neyt pesaraypensar; FUT-1SG
cxviii, 234 De tu can me reysidarayreisidar; FUT-1SG
cxviii, 235 Car esesser-; PRS.IND-2SG estatesser; PST.PTCP-M.SG mon gardador
cxviii, 236 E mon leyal defendedor.
cxviii, 237 Senher qui a comensament
cxviii, 238 D’aquest jorn bon aveniment
cxviii, 239 Me fefer; PRET-3SG per ta bontat venirvenir; INF-0,
cxviii, 240 Gardaguardar; IMP-2SGm huey, senher, de falhirfalhir; INF-0,
cxviii, 241 Donadonar; IMP-2SGm gracie per pietat
cxviii, 242 Si quem gardeguardar; PRS.SBJV-1SG de totz pecatz ;
cxviii, 243 Ma consensa me fefer; IMP-2SG segura
cxviii, 244 De malvestat neta e pura,
cxviii, 245 E fayfer-; IMP-2SG me dreyture gardarguardar; INF-0
cxviii, 246 En cossirancossirar; PRS.PTCP-0 et en parlarparlar; INF-0
cxviii, 247 Et en obrarobrar; INF-0 dreyturerament
cxviii, 248 Si que a tu siauesser; PRS.SBJV-1SG placentz,
cxviii, 249 E que ma obra aiaaver-; PRS.SBJV-3SG acaptatacaptar; PST.PTCP-M.SG
cxviii, 250 Per que vengavenir; PRS.SBJV-1SG a salvetat.

cxviii, 251 Yhesu Crist esesser; PRS.IND-3SG resusitat
cxviii, 252 Del sepulcre on foesser-; PRET-3SG pauzatpausar; PST.PTCP-M.SG,
cxviii, 253 Qui foesser-; PRET-3SG sus en la crost pendutzpener; PST.PTCP-M.SG
cxviii, 254 Per que io fossaesser-; PST.SBJV-1SG redemutzredemer; PST.PTCP-M.SG;
cxviii, 255 Senher Dius, qui lo ton filh car
cxviii, 256 Tu fistfer-; PRET-2SG per nos crucificarcrucificar; INF-0,
cxviii, 257 Per quel diable fosesser-; PST.SBJV-3SG sobratsobrar; PST.PTCP-M.SG
cxviii, 258 E nos del son poder gardatzguardar; PST.PTCP-M.PL,
cxviii, 259 Donadonar; IMP-2SGm gracie en queste vide
cxviii, 260 Cum pusquepoder; PRS.SBJV-1SG averaver; INF-0 gloria complidacomplir; PST.PTCP-F.SG,

cxviii, 261 Senher Dius veray gardador,
cxviii, 262 Deus, esperansesperar; PRS.PTCP-M.SG en ta dossor;
cxviii, 263 Senes tu no aaver; PRS.IND-3SG fermetat
cxviii, 264 Neguna res ni sanitat.
cxviii, 265 Senher, vulhesvoler; IMP-2SG multiplicarmultiplicar; INF-0
cxviii, 266 Misericordi’ e compassarcompassar; INF-0,
cxviii, 267 Si que per los bens temporaus
cxviii, 268 Io no pergueperder; PRS.SBJV-1SG los eternaus;
cxviii, 269 Los tos comandamens m’ensenheensenhar; PRS.SBJV-2SG
cxix, 270 E per los tos senders me menemenar; PRS.SBJV-2SG,
cxix, 271 Et endreseendressar; PRS.SBJV-2SGls mes anamens
cxix, 272 Segont los tos comandamens,
cxix, 273 Per que neguna malvestatz
cxix, 274 En mi no prengaprener; PRS.SBJV-3SG potestat.

cxix, 275 Amen. Amen.