Une Prière de la fin du XVe siècle: Electronic Edition

Creation of machine readable version: Thomas Field
Conversion to TEI-conformant markup and verb tagging: Thomas Field

Source: Mondon, Stanislas. Une Prière de la fin du XVe siècle. Revue de Comminges 28 (1913): 162.

  • Publication consists of one text, “sur la couverture de garde d’un relevé de 12 instruments d’inféodation de terres.” Editor notes “dialecte de la Gascogne toulousaine.”

  • No particular editorial problems.

    Explanation of editorial principles

  • Emendations and modifications have been indicated with an underline; a pop-up annotation provides the original reading and the name of the editor responsible for the change.
  • Gaps of various kinds are indicated by [...], and a pop-up annotation furnishes an explanation, where one is available.
  • Passages that are not in Gascon are indicated in blue.
  • Passages whose readings are uncertain are italicized. Strike-throughs in the ms. are presented as such here, and scribal additions (in the margins, for example) are given as italicized text in brackets.
  • Numbers in the left margin indicate page and line numbers in the original publication.
  • To highlight the verbs that occur in the text and to make their analysis visible, click the “ANALYSIS” button.

PriereM.1 (original), 144 words
Sainte-Foy de Peyrolières (east) late 15th c.

MS. Toulouse, A.D. Haute-Garonne, Fonds de Malte, Ste-Foy de Peyrolières; liasse I, no. 6, late 15th c.

162, 17 O Regina deu cel, font de pieta,
162, 18 Dauna de excellencia e de gran benegnitat, que per ta gran
162, 19 humilitat as lo Rey Jhesus en ton bentre birginal portat,

162, 20 O berges humil, dossa e benigna, mayre de diu, spossa dibina,
162, 21 meas pregarias exsaugis; que em totz spabentats de guerras e
162, 22 grans adbersitatz.

162, 23 O berges Maria, bolhatz pregar per nos ton filz que garde lo
162, 24 realme de France de tot peril de guerras, de pestilencias, de
162, 25 malautie, de tempestas, gloriosa dauna, e de tota famyna.

162, 26 O berges Maria, quan se vendra la hora de ma fy, si te platz,
162, 27 sias debers my e garda me del ennemyc, gloriosa dauna, e
162, 28 recep mon sperit.

162, 29 O berges Maria, si mon arma era en pena de purgatory, si te
162, 30 platz, sias li aiutori; que ne pase pena ny turment, mays s en
162, 31 leve la sus aut, en paradis. amen.