Les Ossalois et la région du Pont-Long: Electronic Edition of the Gascon Documents

Creation of machine readable version: Thomas Field
Conversion to TEI.2-conformant markup and verb tagging: Thomas Field

Source: Tucoo-Chala, Pierre. Un aspect de la lutte pour l’utilisation des landes et forêts en Béarn: les Ossalois et la région du Pont-Long (XIIIe–début XIVe siècle). Revue Régionaliste des Pyrénées 133-134 (1957): 28-39.

  • These four documents were printed at the end of the study, as “pièces justificatives”.

  • Several clear errors that seem to be the result of carelessness, perhaps in the process of preparation for publication, have been corrected. They are identified in the text. The expression “senhere desplegatz” in text 2 echoes in its oddness a number of variants of the same expression in the manuscripts of the Fors de Bearn (see ForsBOG p, 160). In text 3, the forms “lavoretz” and “toquetz” pose a problem, since the context would seem to require third-person plural forms.

    Explanation of editorial principles

  • Emendations and modifications have been indicated with an underline; a pop-up annotation provides the original reading and the name of the editor responsible for the change.
  • Gaps of various kinds are indicated by [...], and a pop-up annotation furnishes an explanation, where one is available.
  • Passages that are not in Gascon are indicated in blue.
  • Passages whose readings are uncertain are italicized. Strike-throughs in the ms. are presented as such here, and scribal additions (in the margins, for example) are given as italicized text in brackets.
  • Numbers in the left margin indicate page and line numbers in the original publication.
  • To highlight the verbs that occur in the text and to make their analysis visible, click the “ANALYSIS” button.

DocPLongT.1 (original), 300 words
Bielle (south) 1319
Redactor = Simon de Soberbie, notari public d’Arudy et d’Ossau;
MS. Pau, A.D. Pyrénées-Atlantiques, AA I fo. 13 r., 1319

37, 4 Aquesta es la carte de Madona Johane d’Artoys, noble et poderosa
37, 5 comptessa de Foyxs regnan et ssenhoreyan en l’an de Nostre Ssenhor
37, 6 .m.iiic.xix., cum dejuus se seg de mot a mot :

37, 30 carta scriscu de mandament de la prediite Madone et y pause mon
37, 31 senhau.


DocPLongT.2 (original), 407 words
Morlàas (south) 1323
Redactor = Ramon de Cabidos, notari de la Cort de Bearn;
MS. Pau, A.D. Pyrénées-Atlantiques, AA I fo. 19 v., 1323

37, 35 Conegude cause sie sic: die (Field)   a totz que, audides las rasoos del hondrat pay
37, 36 en Christ Mossenhor En Ramon, abesque de Lescar, de une part, disent
37, 37 que lo senhor de Domi, En Ramon d’Arros senhor d’Arrode, Bernad

38, 19 de Cabidos, notari de la Cort de Bearn, qui aquesta carta scriscu et
38, 20 mon senhau acostumat y pause.


DocPLongT.3 (copy), 516 words
Pau (south) 1325 + 1463
Redactor = Arnautoo d’Encamps, notari public en lo vic jusaa d’Ossau;
MS. Pau, A.D. Pyrénées-Atlantiques, AA I fo. 374 r., 1463

38, 24 Carte cum sic: dum (Field)   los procuradors d’Ossau requerin et pregan a Bernat
38, 25 Got, bayle de Pau, no los pertorbas en lo Pont Long.

38, 26 Conegude cause sie a totz que maeste Johan d’Encamps, Arnaut de

39, 10 d’Ossau, qui la present carte retengu, registre et de mon senhau
39, 11 acostumat loquoau usi en nos instrumentz la senhe.


DocPLongT.4 (original), 118 words
Morlàas (south) 1328

MS. Pau, A.D. Pyrénées-Atlantiques, AA I fo. 29 v., 1328

39, 15 Aquesta es la thenor de une letre missorie confirmative et relative
39, 16 de la carte qui Madama Johane d’Artoys autreya aus Ossales, laquoau
39, 17 diite letre, lo Compte Gaston, son filh, tremeto au bayle de Pau et

39, 25 Dades a Morlaas, disapte bespre de Pentecoste, anno Domini
39, 26 .m.iii.xxviii.