Corpus des inscriptions de la France médiévale, 6: Electronic Edition of the Gascon Document

Creation of machine readable version: Thomas Field
Conversion to TEI-conformant markup and verb tagging: Thomas Field

Source: Favreau, Robert; Leplant, Bernadette; Michaud, Jean. Corpus des inscriptions de la France médiévale, 6 : Gers, Landes, Lot-et- Garonne, Pyrénées-Atlantiques. Paris: Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1981.

  • The collection includes only one text in Gascon, a marble epitaph inscription.

  • No particular editorial problems

    Explanation of editorial principles

  • Emendations and modifications have been indicated with an underline; a pop-up annotation provides the original reading and the name of the editor responsible for the change.
  • Gaps of various kinds are indicated by [...], and a pop-up annotation furnishes an explanation, where one is available.
  • Passages that are not in Gascon are indicated in blue.
  • Passages whose readings are uncertain are italicized. Strike-throughs in the ms. are presented as such here, and scribal additions (in the margins, for example) are given as italicized text in brackets.
  • Numbers in the left margin indicate page and line numbers in the original publication.
  • To highlight the verbs that occur in the text and to make their analysis visible, click the “ANALYSIS” button.

CorpusInscr6.34 (original), 18 words
Auch (center) late 13th c.

MS. Terrebusque, Collection Péré, --, late 13th c.

34, 22 Memoriau sie que
34, 23 aqeste sepulture es
34, 24 den Arnaud de Praded e
34, 25 den B. son fil e deus sos.