Grand Cartulaire de la Sauve Majeure: Electronic Edition of the Gascon Documents

Creation of machine readable version: Thomas Field
Conversion to TEI-conformant markup and verb tagging: Thomas Field

Source: Higounet, Charles. Grand Cartulaire de la Sauve Majeure. Bordeaux: Fédération Historique du Sud-Ouest, 1996.

  • The edition contains 1480 acts, of which 8 are in Occitan. Only four of these are in Gascon (nos. 47, 647, 1123, 1140), and those texts are reproduced here.

  • Higounet’s emendations indicated in brackets are adopted without comment; repeated words, which the edition gives in parentheses, are omitted.

    Some of the scribes seem not to have been very familiar with Occitan, and a few obvious errors may be attributed to this fact. Alternatively, they may belong to this edition (‘n’ for ‘u’ here and there; at least a few of the 5 spellings for one name: Bertran de Porgner, Porgney, Porguey, Porquei, Porquey). These have generally been left as printed.

    Explanation of editorial principles

  • Emendations and modifications have been indicated with an underline; a pop-up annotation provides the original reading and the name of the editor responsible for the change.
  • Gaps of various kinds are indicated by [...], and a pop-up annotation furnishes an explanation, where one is available.
  • Passages that are not in Gascon are indicated in blue.
  • Passages whose readings are uncertain are italicized. Strike-throughs in the ms. are presented as such here, and scribal additions (in the margins, for example) are given as italicized text in brackets.
  • Numbers in the left margin indicate page and line numbers in the original publication.
  • To highlight the verbs that occur in the text and to make their analysis visible, click the “ANALYSIS” button.

CartSMajHH.47 (close), 293 words
La Sauve Majeure (north) 1240
Redactor = Helias Cocut ;
MS. Bordeaux, B.M., ms. 769, 13th c.

65, 1 Conoguda causa sia que Arnaut Beguer et Aramon
65, 2 Beguer et P. Beguer, tuit trei fraire, filh qui foren sic: forren (Luchaire)  n’Arnaut Beguer de La Seuba,
65, 3 per eiz medis et per tot lur ordenh, arana e per totz temps quiteren a la maizon

65, 20 Testes sunt: P. Peletan, presbiter, Joan Roc, P. Willelmus de La Sseuba, B. de La
65, 21 Sseuba, W. de Latorblancha. Helias Cocut qui la carta escrivo.


CartSMajHH.647 (close), 554 words
La Sauve Majeure (north) 1263
Redactor = R. de Condom;
MS. Bordeaux, B.M., ms. 769, 13th c.

357, 7 De Brianio

357, 8 Conoguda causa sia que la dona na Perona de Lamota, molher en B. de
357, 9 Lamota, cavoi qui fo, en vertadera donacion, no fincta ni cuberta ni arrevocaduira
357, 10 per deguna desagradabletat ni per deguna autra causa, en perdurabla aumoina

357, 41 Arrobert d’Avaron, Helias de Monfaito, en R. de Lagrava, en Simons qui la carta
357, 42 enquerit, lacau R. de Condom escriuo.


CartSMajHH.1123 (close), 387 words
La Sauve Majeure (north) 1290

MS. Bordeaux, B.M., ms. 769, 13th c.

624, 18 Item una pessa de terra a la Pujada de Papon asignada
624, 19 apres lo fieus P. Lana d’una part e’l camin public d’oltra part e la terra del caperan
624, 20 de Lavardac d’oltra part e la terra Arnaut Mileron e de sos parsones d’altra part.

625, 6 e enta Viana. Item acceptad la terra de Segolin e de la Beirivenga de la tersa part
625, 7 de la dema qui es al prior del Buzet.


CartSMajHH.1140 (close), 2145 words
La Sauve Majeure (north) 1290

MS. Bordeaux, B.M., ms. 769, 13th c.

637, 27 Oblationes domus de Calesun.

637, 28 Actum anno Domini nonagesimo.

637, 29 Garsias Darimber III s. d’arnaldes per

641, 8 part e’l fieus P. Lana d’altra part e la terra Arnaut Mileron e de sos parsones de
641, 9 duas parts.